The simplest question

The simplest question is how much more can I take? How much more can any of us take? What does it truly mean to die when you can say you have lived until the end of the world? What does it mean to live, if life is nothing but a tragic reflection of utopia you dream of every waking and sleeping hour? This endeavour of mine, of ours, the journey we’re about to undertake, is noble and through the darkest days of the impending witch hunt, we must remember that.

This world of ours through which we drift like participants in someone else's cruel joke. This pestilent, festering, toxic world of ours. When simmered down to its raw constituents, is it fundamentally right or wrong? A place of good or a place of ill? I look around and on every inspection things seem darker and more desperate.

War... Famine... Suffering.. Anguish... Pain and nothing but infantile efforts to address these global woes. Political corruption, religious corruption and spiritual corruption and no tangible way to untangle ourselves from this web of self-serving lies, nor quench our thirst for them.

On witnessing a world changing event, a great man once said “now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Today I will become the destroyer of this world and, with all of you, co- creator of another. What started with the revolutionary discovery of antimatter from deep space will end with a rebirth... no a genesis... for the mankind! We will start again! We will build a utopian world that mirrors our own... but in perfect opposite.. not similarity. A reflection that takes all that is wrong... all that is insidious.. all that is cancerous... and spins it into warmth... happiness... and peace...

I call out to the soul of every man... every woman... every child... UNITE WITH ME!